Aarti Zaveri (IN)

Bicycle of the Sky/LIMITED, Purgatorio At Varanasi und Spoonful of Water

zaveri bicycle of the sky limited und purgatorio at varanasi und spoonful of water goenner 01814 web

Aarti Zaveri (IN)

Bicycle of the Sky/LIMITED, Purgatorio At Varanasi und Spoonful of Water

zaveri bicycle of the sky limited und purgatorio at varanasi und spoonful of water goenner 01814 web


In Zeiten, in denen die globale Erwärmung noch keine ausgeprägte Realität war, war der Niederschlagszyklus auf der Erde ausgeglichen. In der heutigen Zeit haben jedoch unregelmäßige Wettermuster, Wetterkapriolen, Wirbelstürme, Waldbrände usw. an Häufigkeit zugenommen, was ein Beweis für den atmosphärischen Verfall in unserer Umwelt ist.

Ich stamme aus Rajkot, einer Industriestadt im westlichen Teil Indiens. Diese Region leidet seit Jahrzehnten unter schweren Wasserkrisen, die ich schon in jungen Jahren am eigenen Leib erfahren habe. Außerdem ist es ein Betondschungel, der eine große Anzahl von Industrieemissionen ausstößt, die dazu geführt haben, dass die jährlichen Niederschläge in jüngster Zeit immer weniger geworden sind. Auch der Grundwasserspiegel nimmt weiter ab.

Ich interpretiere dieses Phänomen der unausgewogenen Niederschläge als eine Schieflage der Räder des Himmelsfahrrads (der Niederschlagszyklen), die der Menschheit in den kommenden Zeiten eine harte Fahrt bescheren wird.


Unveiling myself, I express

Aarti Zaveri is a multi-disciplinary visual artist with three decades of artistic practice behind her. Her aesthetics has grown with her sensitivity and keen sense of observation particularly the changes in the topography as a result of rapid growth and modernization and reflect the impact of urbanization on our ecology. Over time her artwork has been increasingly reflective and representation of what she perceives and feels while exploring various places, situations and meeting different people. The role of basic elements of Life and human interaction with them have given her the strength to portray the obvious but with renewed aesthetic sensibilities. Her works have been instrumental in germinating a conceptual process in her way of thinking and practice of her artistic oeuvre. Advaiya Bhraman ,her recent exhibition featured salient works from three decades of her artistic journey.

Her expressions find different mediums and forms from Paintings, Site-Specific Installations and Video art. She is recognised for her art installations that create immersive empirical experiences which makes the audience to reflect with a new insight. Her projects intend to involve the society at large through installations in public spaces, public art lessons and discussions, bringing to attention the concerns about environmental degradation, sustainability, and global warming.

Winner of Seychelles Biennale 2017, Aarti is associated with Global Nomadic Art Project” in collaboration with YATOO; a Korean art organization. She is also an active member of the Artist in Nature International Network (AININ). She completed a Senior Fellowship Research Project from Government of India. Her works are part of many private collections in India and other parts of the World.